Subcommittee Roles

Subcommittee Structure

Subcommittee Structure


The I²E² initiative sits at the intersection of issues central to our national competitiveness on the global stage, including finance, economics, STEM education, business, innovation, higher education, entrepreneurship, and social justice. Accordingly, the I²E² project team is forming subcommittees to gather insight from experts and coordinate UC and national stakeholder input in these areas.

Subcommittee Roles

There are three main I²E² subcommittee roles, Member, Campus Champion, and Contributor. Subcommittees members, approximately 5-7 per group, will provide support, input, and guidance to subcommittee chairs to achieve the objectives of each group. Subcommittees will meet every two weeks during project spinup. Campus Champions will lead campus-level responses to subcommittee inquiries. Subcommittee Contributors are I&E stakeholders who provide periodic input and resources to support subcommittee goals. The Campus Champion is the only role where the participant must be a full-time UC employee.

How to Engage

The I²E² initiative invites researchers and practitioners in the above areas to join subcommittees that address critical components of the UC innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. I²E² subcommittees will gather insight and coordinate UC and national stakeholder input in areas of Funding, Education and Training, and Infrastructure. Committee seats are limited. The national intake phase is closed..