I²E² Project Team

Damon L. Tull, PhD | Principal Investigator, Chair
Director, Industry Alliances at UC Davis Graduate School of Management
- Click here to read Dr. Tull's biography
- Damon Tull is the director for industry alliances at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management and the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. His research interests include U.S. global competitiveness and capital flows of our national innovation ecosystems. Tull works with companies, charitable organizations, national education stakeholders, and federal government sponsors to form strategic partnerships that accelerate and broaden participation in innovation and entrepreneurship at both UC Davis and nationally.

Jill Finlayson | Infrastructure Subgroup Chair
Director, EDGE in Tech Initiative at UC Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz, and Merced
- Click here to read Finlayson's biography
- Jill Finlayson is Director of the EDGE in Tech Initiative at UC, co-sponsored by CITRIS and the Berkeley Engineering Department at UC Berkeley and serving Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz, and Merced campuses. The EDGE in Tech Initiative efforts centers around: advocating the adoption of meaningful diversity metrics by the tech industry; cultivating leadership skills and social acumen among women in engineering and computer science; increasing the visibility of female role models and facilitating mentorship of female students; enhancing awareness of implicit bias and promoting effective interventions, and paving new pathways to technology careers including entrepreneurship.

Mariah Lichenstern | Funding Subgroup Chair
Founding Partner, DiverseCity Ventures
- Click here to read Lichenstern's biography
- At the intersection of technology, entertainment, and venture capital, Mariah "Roman" Lichtenstern accelerates positive social, economic, and environmental impact through entrepreneurship. An alumna of UC Berkeley, USC, and UCLA, she is the Founding Partner of DiverseCity Ventures and launched the Sacramento, CA chapter of the Founder Institute, which was recognized in Forbes Magazine as the 3rd most gender-diverse chapter in the world.

Rosibel Ochoa, PhD | Education & Training Subgroup Chair
Associate Vice Chancellor Technology Partnerships, UC Riverside
- Click here to read Dr. Ochoa's biography
- Dr. Rosibel Ochoa is the Associate Vice Chancellor Technology Partnerships and an Adjunct Professor for Chemical and Environmental Engineering at U.C. Riverside. The Office of Technology Partnerships accelerates economic development by transferring UC Riverside research from the lab to the private sector, facilitating academic-industry collaborations, and encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship on campus and throughout our region.
Executive Sponsor

Theresa Maldonado, PhD, PE
VP Research and Innovation, University of California Office of the President
- Click here to read Dr. Maldonado's biography
- Dr. Theresa A. Maldonado was appointed Vice President for Research & Innovation in March 2020. Before coming to UC, she served as Dean and Riter Professor of Engineering at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) in July 2017. She also holds a tenured appointment as Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering.
UCOP Staff

Marion Kavanaugh-Lynch, MD
Director of the CA Breast Cancer Research Program, UCOP
- Click here to read Dr. Kavanaugh-Lynch's biography
- Kavanaugh-Lynch is the director of the California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP). In this position, she develops strategies and guides priorities for the $15 million per year that California invests in research to bring an end to the disease. She has managed the awarding of 975 research grants to 115 different institutions across the state of California, totaling approximately $239 million. Her accomplishments include championing the role of advocates and survivors in the peer review process, developing a successful model for funding community-based participatory research and developing rigorous evaluations of the program.

Gale Sheean-Remotto, PMP
UCOP PMO Senior Program Manager
- Click here to read Sheean-Remotto's biography
- Gale has over 25 years of experience managing resources on integrated, multi-faceted cross-disciplinary projects including facilitation, development and implementation of strategic plans, and managing large scale system wide initiatives. She is a skilled strategist, business process analyst, training lead and change manager, and proficient in project management methodologies, driving projects through successful launches and maintaining full responsibility for implementation of each project phase. She optimizes production solutions to control costs, boost revenues and in some cases accelerate timelines while proactively and effectively troubleshooting issues with full transparency. Her management style is based on a team-building approach, cultivating a strong, positive rapport with all levels of an organization to generate a strong network while driving to consensus as a project lead. She is very detail-oriented, well-organized and able to effectively plan, manage, and prioritize multiple projects and moving elements.
National Science Foundation

Charisse Carney-Nunes, JD
Deputy Division Director, National Science Foundation
- Click here to read Carney-Nunes's biography
- Charisse Carney-Nunes joined UCOP recently in 2021 as the ACE Fellow. Before this, Throughout her 20+ year career, as a senior staff advisor, education advocate, lawyer and writer, she has focused on building national and local communities and making an impact within education, STEM and the federal government. She delivered results and motivate people to become agents of change in their own lives. At the National Science Foundation (NSF), she led change through setting strategic vision, building capacity, improving programs and cultivating productive relationships with people of all levels. This work has been recognized with appointments to several high profile initiatives and agency-wide change management projects as well as to the NSF Leadership Development Program.
DEI Data Subcommittee
- Dr. Damon Tull, Co-Chair, Director, Industry Alliances, UC Davis Graduate School of Management
- Dr. Yvette Gullatt, Co-Chair, Vice President and Vice Provost, UC Office of the President
- Dr. Andrew Epigg, Institutional Research Analyst at UC Berkeley
- Greg Horowitt, Director of Innovation Design at the UC San Diego
- Shane Moise, Senior Manager for Strategic Innovation Alliances, Projects, and Data, UC San Diego Office of Innovation and Commercialization
- Joe DiNunzio, Executive Director Mike & Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, UC Davis Graduate School of Management

Education & Training Subcommittee
- Dr. Rosibel Ochoa, Associate Vice Chancellor Technology Partnerships, UC Riverside
- Dr. Marion Kavanaugh-Lynch, Director of California Breast Cancer Research Program, UC Office of the President
- Jacques Chirazi, Director of Student Entrepreneurship & Blackstone Launchpad, UC San Diego
- Lauri Lewis, JD, Legal Coordinator of Startup Legal Garage, UC Hastings
- Michael Matkin, Executive Director of CITRIS, UC Santa Cruz
- Maryanne McCormick, JD, Chief Strategy Officer, Blum Center for Developing Economies, UC Berkeley
- Giora Messinger, Founder & Principal, LinkedObjects
- Dr. Grant Warner, CEA Director of Innovation and Associate Professor, Howard University
- Jennifer Yturralde, Programs & Outreach Specialist, UC Riverside Office of Technology Partnerships
- Mariam Lam, Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer, UC Riverside

Funding Subcommittee
- Mariah Lichenstern, Founding Partner, DiverseCity Ventures
- Neda Amidi, President, Plug and Play Tech Center
- Nicola Corzine, Executive Director, Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center
- Nick Gulino, JD, CEO & Founder, Recover
- Dr. Carol Mimura, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Intellectual Property & Industry Research Alliances, UC Berkeley
- Sofia Ramos, Startup Support Associate, UC Los Angeles Technology Development Group
- Tim Shaw, Special Projects, UC Irvine Beall Applied Innovation
- Dr. Richard Sudek, Chief Innovation Officer, UC Irvine

Infrastructure Subcommittee
- Jill Finlayson, Director, EDGE in Tech Initiative, UC Berkeley
- Suzanne Harrison, Percipience LLC
- Bruce Hunter, JD, Executive Director, Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Partnerships, UC Office of the President
- Dr. Jeni Janci, Research Grant Project Officer, Innovation Ventures, UC San Francisco
- William Kell, JD, Lecturer in Residence, UC Berkeley Law School
- Todd Pray, Chief Strategic Partnerships Officer, Berkeley Lab